Friday, March 23, 2007

How to raise assertive kids who can be humble too

As a parent it is part of your job to teach your children to take care of themselves. One of the aspects of doing this is to teach children to be assertive because you do not want people to use them as a doormat. You also have to be mindful that you don’t want your children to walk all over other people so you have to make sure that they need to be assertive while still remaining humble.

There are certain things you need to do when you are working on teaching your children to be assertive. You need to teach them that while arguing with parents is not acceptable having open discussion is allowed. They need to know the rules in the house are important but if they come up with a change to the rules and approach the parents in a respectable manner then you will talk to them and figure out if their new method would work.

If you work with your children and show them that if you approach people in a respectable manner they will be more likely to listen to you. They need to learn that being rude to people is not the same as being assertive. To be assertive is not being shy about expressing your opinion and it is important to teach children this, which can be handled by example and talking to them. It is also important that no matter how important you think your opinion is, you should never make someone else feel inferior because they believe something different than you.

Children learn by example. That is how they have learned to read and talk and many other things. That is also how they learn to be assertive. When you teach your child to be assertive you are helping them to succeed in life, but you need to make sure you temper their assertiveness with a good dose of humility. They need to learn that their opinion is not the only one in the world and having other people voice their opinion will help to create new and sometimes better ideas.

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